Although not as effective as personal contacts, written correspondence can be effective if properly executed. Some quick points to remember when writing or e-mailing your representative:
- Be polite, reasonable, and on point. Cover only one issue per letter
- If using talking points provided by the medical society, be sure to also include your own perspective to personalize your correspondence.
- If not Voter Voice, ideally letters should be type written. If not, hand written correspondence must be legible.
- Be sure to use the appropriate address and salutation
- In closing your letter, be certain to acknowledge your appreciation
It is always a good idea to follow up a personal visit or phone call with a brief note of thanks. Additionally, use a personal letter or email as a means of providing resource information that may not have been previously available.
To look up your legislator’s contact information and send them an email or letter, use our e-advocacy tool, Voter Voice.