Cumberland County Medical Society

Membership in the Cumberland County Medical Society and the Pennsylvania Medical Society provides benefits with a real dollar value. Here is a sample.

Reimbursement Advice — Medical economists will answer your questions about third-party payers, Medicare, Medicaid, and HMOs. One call could pay for your dues many times over.

Contract Reviews — Members get heavily discounted rates on legal and business reviews of contracts.

Regulations and licensing —We can help you cut through bureaucratic lingo and understand managed care reform, workers’ comp, physician licensing, and more.

News…via email and online —
Daily Dose emails, a website full of valuable information, and social media sites.

Buying Power — Members have access to group rates on disability, term life, health, and workers’ comp insurances.

Publications and seminars — Manuals on laws and regulations and practice management seminars are among the educational products offered.


Arlene G. Seid, MD, MPH, President
Office of Quality Assurance
8th FL West, Health & Welfare Bldg.
625 Forster Street
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Phone: (717) 783-1078
Fax: (717) 525-5506


Fifth District

Heath B. Mackley, MD
Radiation Oncology