According to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the number of U.S. adults who have been diagnosed with diabetes has more than tripled over the past two decades, while at the same time, the rates of all five major diabetes complications have declined significantly.
What does this mean? Some suggest that it shows the importance of proper screening and prevention.
Each May, through its Medical Directors Forum (MDF), the Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED) finalizes diabetes care recommendations and a mellitus flow sheet to help physicians in treating their diabetic patients. The recommendations review treatment goals, screening, diagnosis, and assessment and management of the diabetic patient. The flow sheet gives recommended elements for every diabetic visit and annual exam and allows physicians to record data and other notes.
The MDF will be reviewing the 2013 documents at their meeting on May 7, 2014. PAMED will post the new documents to its website and notify members once they are available.