Report nine measures in three NQS domains for 50 percent of Medicare Part B patients, and of the nine, report one cross-cutting measure or one measures group on 20 patients, of which the majority must be Medicare Part B.
This is just one example of a reporting requirement in PQRS. Confusing, right? If you said yes, you’re not alone.
The Pennsylvania Medical Society’s (PAMED’s) Practice Support Team gets many questions about quality reporting, especially related to how to earn incentives and avoid penalties.
Though this is the last year for PQRS incentives, the program will apply a 2 percent payment adjustment in 2017 to those eligible professionals who do not satisfactorily report data on quality measures during 2015.
In this 10-minute video, PAMED’s Mary Ellen Corum, director of practice support, and Lara Brooks, associate director of practice support , sit down to talk more about PQRS, such as:
- Changes to PQRS in 2015 as a result of the 2015 Medicare physician fee schedule
- Who is considered an “eligible provider?”
- What is a cross-cutting measure?
- Are Medicare Advantage patients included in the report?
- Reporting options – Individual reporting vs. group practice reporting
- Chart that outlines changes to PQRS and the value-based payment modifier in 2015.
- PAMED website: Stay up to date with the latest on incentives and penalties