More than 86 million Americans have prediabetes, and nine in 10 people don’t even know they have it. And, according to an American Medical Association (AMA) news release, one in three people are at risk for developing it in their lifetime.
Prediabetes is treatable if it’s caught in time. Prevent Diabetes STAT: Screen. Test. Act – Today™, is an initiative recently launched by the AMA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to increase awareness about prediabetes and help physicians and their practices connect patients to local diabetes prevention programs.
The Prevention Diabetes STAT website has a wealth of information, resources, and a free downloadable toolkit created by the AMA and the CDC. These tools were created with input from physician practices.
The Pennsylvania Medical Society’s (PAMED) diabetes care recommendations and mellitus flow sheet can also help physicians in treating their diabetic patients. Updated in May 2014, the tools also can assist physician practices in meeting quality reporting requirements.